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I manage CIPFA Finance Advisory Networks and I am a very experienced accountant,manager, facilitator, trainer and presenter with a very wide experience of local authority and not for profit finance, accounting,management and leadership.

Monday 13 June 2011

PETER DRUCKER'S MANAGEMENT WISDOM -- Still as meaningful as ever?

The Master -Still as relevant as ever
Peter F. Drucker was a writer, professor, management consultant and self-described “social ecologist,” who explored the way human beings organize themselves and interact much the way an ecologist would observe and analyze the biological world.

He provided the following lifelong tools for business effectiveness based on his Five Questions management framework.

The Five Questions are:

1. What is my/our mission?
2.Who is my/our customer?
3.What does the customer value?
4.What are my/our results?
5.What is my/our plan?

Do we really need anything else in maangement theory and practice?

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