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I manage CIPFA Finance Advisory Networks and I am a very experienced accountant,manager, facilitator, trainer and presenter with a very wide experience of local authority and not for profit finance, accounting,management and leadership.

Saturday 15 December 2012


Working together even in the most difficult circumstances can make a difference

Instead of talking about the cuts and doom and gloom which we are always likely to do in these straitened times, I wish to mention more of an inspirational story which will hopefully make us all think. Fourteen students from St Mary's Catholic high school in Menston (including my son) and ten students from Mnyakanya High school in rural Kwa Zuku Natal,South Africa  are the first young people in diferent continents to receive the Diana Award for their collaboaration on the Bambisanani Partnership. The Diana award was established in in the UK in 1999 in memory of Diana,Princess of Wales, as a legacy to her belief in the power of young people to change the world.
For the past 6 years the two schools have worked together in the Bambisanani partnership using sport as a catalyst to promote education, health,leadership and global citizenship,Bambisanani is the Zulu word for hand in hand and encapsulates the collaboration between the two schools. The St Mary's students visited South Africa in Juky 2012  and worked at the Mnyakanya school,Ntolwane primary school and the Zulufadder Aids Orphanage. Young leaders from Mnyakanya and St Mary's jointly organised Sports and Reading festivals for local primary schools.
The area where the students worked has one of the highest raes of HIV\Aids in the world,unenployment is high and adult illiteracy is close to 60%.Education is the key to breaking this cycle of poverty and ignorance. David Geldhart,Assistant Headteacher and founder of the partnership stated," I am so proud of the young volunteers from Mnyakanya and St Mary's.These young people are doing things for others that really do matter. Their positive actions and commitment are making a difference in the world. They are all role models who I know have already inspired others. They are all honoured to receive the Diana Award."
Mrs PK Zondi who co-ordinated volunteering at Mnyakanya High school stated," We are delighted that the Young Leaders are the first South Africans  to receive the International Diana award. The Bambisnani Partnership has inspired both our schools in so many ways. My learners have established an Aids awareness proramme which has helped so many. They show love for others and their work is changing lives."
Teachers in South Africa have paid tribute to the work of the Bambisanani partnership.Moses Xulu who teaches at the Ntolwane Primary said: “It was wonderful to see the St. Mary’s and Mnyakanya students working together; they are a powerful team, so mature, confident and effective.”
William Vilakazi from Mnyakanya School added: “The Bambisanani Partnership is fantastic. “The joint learning projects that we are developing in art, creative writing and using sport are wonderful in raising aspirations of young people from both communities.”
As we approach Christmas let us all draw some inspiration from this and realise that working together in a spirit of constructive collaboration can make a difference. We should all do much more of it.

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